Sam Bayer
Give up?
They’re all going to be better off thanks to grants from NCIDEA.
Five North Carolina companies were awarded grants today as part of NCIDEA’s bi-annual grant program. Out of about 90 companies who applied, b2b2dot0 was one of only five companies that won, and was the sole software company on the list! You can read more about the companies and the grant program here.
This is a HUGE boost for us and we’re truly honored to have won. I want to thank my wife for her support and my kids who I couldn’t have done this without…(get off the stage music now playing)…
Well, we worked really hard to win this grant and it actually does feel like an Academy Award to us.
The folks that run the NCIDEA program, and the board of advisors that they have assembled, are seasoned business professionals. The CEO of the organization, Dave Rizzo, is a veteran of the SAP consulting industry, and has first hand experience with the problem we’re solving. We competed against quite a few companies and the other winners are quite impressive. All of those factors make the grant mean that much more to us.
It really is a validation of our business model, our achievements to date and our future prospects.
The grant is earmarked to help our marketing efforts. If 2008 was the year where we established our company, product and reference base, 2009 is going to be the year where we begin to scale the company up.
This NCIDEA grant, and the relationships that it sets into motion, will have a transformative effect on b2b2dot0 in 2009.
As far as lawns, human health and fabrics are concerned, I wish them all the best in 2009 as well!
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